Signs of spring are all around us. The days are becoming warmer and longer and birds have begun their yearly ritual of nest building. Many of us have also begun our yearly ritual of spring cleaning. So in honor of attacking dirt and grime, GR Flooring offers the following floor maintenance tips.
First and foremost, preventative maintenance will help keep your floors looking beautiful. There are a few tips which apply to all floor types:
- Follow manufacturer's recommendations.
- Install floor protector pads on the bottom of all furniture.
- Place protective rugs or mats at the entrances to the area to trap grit and absorb moisture.
- Keep high heels in good repair so they do not dent the floor.
- Sweep, vacuum, and/or dust mop with a recommended hardwood floor cleaner on a regular basis.
- Frequently shake out rugs.
- Wipe spills immediately. Be sure to check manufacturer's recommendation to determine if you should use a dry or damp cloth and if you should follow up with a cleaner.
- Never use wax on top of a non-wax finish.
- Never use petroleum based cleaners on water based finishes.
- Never use a water based cleaner on a wax floor.